The Company (1955 - 1976)

This page includes details of the company at Theatre in the Round at the Library Theatre from 1955 to 1976.

It is drawn entirely from surviving programmes and material in the Ayckbourn Archive and whilst comprehensive, it cannot be seen as definitive due to the limitations of the information held in archive (please see
Research Notes for further details), particularly with regard to the often uncredited roles for lighting, design and costumes during this period.
Artistic Director
Alan Ayckbourn (1972 - 2009)
Stephen Joseph (1955 - 1965)

Box Office
Margaret Boden (1958 - 1959, 1972 - 1976)
Paddy Earnshaw (1955 - 1956)
Anne-Marie Fearon (1964)
Connie Garlick (1969 - 1974)
Christine Hakings (1957)
Vicki Lester (1957)
Ben Matthews (1975)
Lesley Meade (1976)
Hubert Ruff (1969 - 1971)
Michael Stott (1965)

Business Manager
Hubert Cross

Veronica Pemberton Billing
Pat Houghton
May Mollekin

Company Manager
David Millard (1975 - 1976)
Philip Randell (1970)
Ian Watson (1967)
Graham Woodruff (1965)

Stephen Joseph
Helga Wood (1974 - 1976)

Director of Productions
Alan Ayckbourn (1969 - 1970, 1972)
Caroline Smith (1971)
Rodney Wood (1967 - 1968)

Peter Boden

Executive Assistant
Zena Curtis
Irerne Fisher
Joan Macalpine

Front of House Assistants
John Boden
Joan Gregory
Wilfred Houghton
Dorothy Ruff
Anne Simpson

House / Front of House Manager
Ken Boden (1963 - 1965)
Wilfred Houghton (1969 - 1973)
Alan Ayckbourn
Peter Boden
Clive Goodhead

Tony Banfield (1975)
John Boden (1973 - 1974)
Kay Jamieson (1973 - 1974)
Meryl Robertson (1972)
Victor Winstone
Stephen Wood (1976)

Alan Ayckbourn

Resident Dramatist
Alan Ayckbourn (1959 - 1962)
David Campton (1955 - 1965)

Ken Boden (1958 - 1961)
Ann Daly
Anne-Marie Fearon
Owen Hale
Beryl Johnson
Christine Robinson
Claire Singleton

Trevor-John Smith (1975 - 1976)
John Whitehead (1974)

Theatre Manager
Ken Boden (1967 - 1976)
David Campton (1959, 1963)
Peter Cheeseman (1961 - 1962)
Terry Lane (1964)
Joan Macalpine (1960 - 1961)
Stephen Joseph
Rodney Wood (1957 - 1959)

Wardrobe Mistress / Supervisor
Tina Bicat (1972)
Jill Pennington (1975 - 1976)
Christine Welch (1973 - 1975)

Stage Management
Bill Allen (1958)
Bryan Andrews (1968)
Stephen Armstrong (1967)
Alan Ayckbourn (1957 - 1958)
Arnold Beck (1962 - 1963)
Robert Benfield (1973)
Charles Boyle (1969)
John Brennan (1964)
Don Brown (1959)
Stage Management (cont.)
Martin Carthy (1960)
Peter Chadwick (1975 - 1976)
Philip Clifford (1960 - 1961)
Zena Curtis (1963)
Gillian Davidson (1970)
Richard Derrington (1970)
Jane Douglas (1970)
Sharon Duce (1969)
Irene Fisher (1955)
Valerie Fletcher (1965)
Gerson Grant (1971)
Christopher Gray (1976)
Rosemary Green (1959)
David Hayward (1972)
Robin Holmes (1968 - 1969)
Ann Hughesdon (1958 - 1959)
Trevor John-Smith (1974)
Peter King (1961)
Terry Lane (1960 - 1961)
Penny Leatherbarrow (1968)
Susan Legge (1975)
Nigel LeVaillant (1976)
Paul Levy (1959)
Charles Lewsen (1955)
Stephen Lowe (1975 - 1976)
David Millard (1971 - 1972, 1974 - 1975)
Marlene Murray (1957)
Wendy Murray (1975 - 1976)
Tommy O'Sullivan (1964)
Anne Orwin (1974)
Robert Peck (1969)
Graham Phoenix (1970)
David Price (1973)
Philip Randall (1970)
Sue Rogers (1972)
Richard Roscoe (1974 - 1976)
Jennifer Smith (1971 - 1972)
John Smith (1957)
Simon Somers (1976)
Rosalind Speight (1968)
Michael Stott (1964)
Margaret Tabor (1955 -1956)
Anne Taylor (1957)
Lesli Tomson (1969)
Alan Took (1973)
Catriona Trevelyan (1967)
Ian Watson (1967)
David Wehner (1962)
Helga Wood (1974)
Kevin Wood (1974 - 1975)
Graham Woodruff (1965)
James Wootton (1955 - 1956)
Jane Young (1963)
Stacks Image 17517
All research for this section by Simon Murgatroyd. Please do not reproduce without crediting Simon Murgatroyd and the website.