Stephen Joseph: Articles

This page contains reproductions and details of articles written by Stephen Joseph. His own writing is significant in demonstrating his thoughts on theatre and appreciating Stephen's ambitions and impact on British theatre.

For details of publications and books about Stephen Joseph, visit the
Publications By and Publications About pages.

Articles by Stephen Joseph

The Arena Theatre (click here)
Publication details unknown (c.March 1955

What Is Theatre In The Round?
(Click here)
Studio Theatre Ltd publicity brochure (1955)

Theatre In The Round
(click here)
Plays & Players (August 1955)

Theatre In The Round (click here)
Theatre Industry (April 1957)

No New Playwrights? (Click here)
Encore (June 1957)

Chances Offered By Theatre In The Round (click here)
The Stage (8 August 1957)

A New Hope For Dying Theatre? (click here)
Publication details unknown (c.mid-1957)

Drama Today - What Tomorrow? (Click here)
The Cygnet (12 December 1958)

Theatre Go Round! (click here)
Theatre World (March 1959)
Return Of Theatre In The Round (click here)
Gazette & Herald (7 May 1959)

Down With The Old Up With The New!
(Click here)
The Stage (1 October 1959)

The New-Old Theatre (click here)
Scarborough Evening News (2 February 1960)

Up Go The New Theatres (Click here)
The Guardian (4 February 1960)

Towards A Self-Perpetuating Theatre
(Click here)
The Guardian (11 February 1960)

Small Theatres Are The Answer Now
(click here)
Yorkshire Evening Press (11 January 1961)

Newcastle-under-Lyme Civic Theatre (Click here)
Adaptable Theatres (publisher: ABTT) (February 1962)

Theatre In The Round In Newcastle-under-Lyme (click here)
Plays & Players (March 1962)

Theatre In The Round (Click here)
The Stage (17 May 1962)
All research for this page by Simon Murgatroyd and all original material copyright of Simon Murgatroyd. Please do not reproduce this material without permission of the copyright holder. With thanks to Dr Paul Elsam for his help with the original Stephen Joseph site from which this section of A Round Town was adapted.