Stephen Joseph: Plays Directed

Stephen Joseph founded Theatre in the Round at the Library Theatre, Scarborough, in 1955 as the country's first professional theatre-in-the-round company. He was Director of Productions / Artistic Director of the company between 1955 and 1965 - although his direct involvement in the company fluctuated significantly after 1960 affected by his work founding the Victoria Theatre, Stoke-on-Trent, in 1962 and his increasing time spent in academia.

Whilst at the Library Theatre, Stephen directed a substantial number of productions which are listed below. Full details of the cast and details of these plays can be found in the
Complete Plays section.

Stephen Joseph: Directing

Circle Of Love (Eleanor D Glaser)
'Prentice Pillar (Ruth Dixon)
Dragons Are Dangerous (David Campton)
Turn Right At The Crossroads (Jurneman Winch)

Wuthering Heights (Jurneman Winch)
Idol In The Sky (David Campton)

I Have Been Here Before (J.B. Priestley)

Dial M For Murder (Frederick Knott)
Captain Carvallo (Dennis Cannan)
A Sense Of Loss (J.W. James)
Ring Of Roses (David Campton)

Halfway To Heaven (Hilda Valentine)
Frankenstein (David Campton)
The Square Cat (Alan Ayckbourn)
Viennese Interlude (Colin Wilson)
In Camera / Huis Clos (Sartre)

The Ark (James Saunders)
A View From The Brink (David Campton)
Out Of The Flying Pan (David Campton)
Soldier From The Wars Returning (David Campton)
Mutatis Mutandis (David Campton)
Five Finger Exercise (August Strindberg)

Stephen Joseph: Directing

Victoria Regina (Laurence Housman)
Standing Room Only (Alan Ayckbourn)
At Sea (David Campton)
Little Brother, Little Sister (David Campton)
The Bed Life Of A Mad Boy (Stockwell Allen)
We've Minds Of Our Own (William Norfolk)

The Pelican (August Strindberg)
The Pariah (August Strindberg)
Comeback (David Campton)

Dead And Alive (David Campton)

Meet My Father (David Campton)
Cock And Bull Story (David Campton)

Stephen Joseph: Acting

Turn Right At The Crossroads (1955)
The Lunatic View (1957)
Frankenstein (1959)
The Bed Life Of A Mad Boy (1961)

Stephen Joseph noted that the 1959 production of
Frankenstein made his first return to the stage as an actor for a decade. As a result, anything prior to that was a pre-recorded voice.
All research for this page by Simon Murgatroyd and all original material copyright of Simon Murgatroyd Please do not reproduce this material without permission of the copyright holder.