What is Theatre in the Round

by Stephen Joseph

Administrator's note: This short article by Stephen Joseph was published as part of the promotion of the opening of Theatre in the Round at the Library Theatre, Scarborough, in 1955. Within it, Stephen explains the principles of theatre in the round to a new audience.

What is theatre-in-the-round?
The play is acted on a stage in the middle of the theatre and the audience sits round on all sides. In shape, theatre-in-the-round is like a boxing ring, a circus or a football stadium. In size it is small. Every seat is close to the stage and you see the actors from all angles.

Is it entertaining?
Theatre-in-the-round demands fast action, movement and sincere performances from the actors. It is exciting and real. It is theatre in 3D. Many of the artificial
conventions that have made theatre unacceptable to modern audiences can be done away with; the acting and production are in the style of television and film. As television drama grows it is likely to make increasing use of theatre-in-the-round, bringing the widest possible public to enjoy the entertainment of living drama.

Is it new?
This season in Scarborough will be the first theatre-in-the-round presented by a professional company in Great Britain. There will be four new plays by writers who, we hope will be "names" in the near future. On the Continent and in America there have been many productions of this sort. It is no longer an experiment but good, lively, popular theatre. A display of photographs and drawings in the Exhibition room of the Library will give an indication of what has been done so far.

Who is behind it?
Studio Theatre Limited is a non-profit-distributing company formed in consultation with the Arts Council of Great Britain to present theatre-in-the-round. The Scarborough season is under the direction of Stephen Joseph, son of actress Hermione Gingold and publisher Michael Joseph, who has travelled in America and Europe studying modern drama. He has had experience of production and acting on the stage, in films and on television. The company hopes to become self-supporting and, when work with television begins, to present a continuous series of plays, new and old, in theatres specially built for the purpose.

When and where?
Performances will be given every night except Sundays at 8 p.m., and a matinee on Wednesdays at 2.30. There will be a change of programme every Thursday. If you are in
Scarborough for a week, you will be able to see two plays. If your holiday is two weeks, you will be able to see three plays.

All seats are bookable, price 5/- each, at W. Rowntree and Sons Ltd., Westborough, Scarborough. (Theatre Booking Office in York Place entrance). Tickets may also be bought at the Library Theatre in Vernon Road half-an-hour before the performance.

Copyright of Studio Theatre Ltd. Please do not reproduce without permission. Transcribed by Simon Murgatroyd.