Scarborough A - Z
The A - Z is an alphabetical guide to people, places and events relating to theatre - with an emphasis on theatre in the round - in Scarborough. This is an ongoing project, produced in association with the Encyclopaedia at with new content being regularly added. To begin exploring, click on a letter in the right hand column below.E
A - Z
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Electric Palace de Luxe: See Albert Hall.
Elsam, Dr Paul: Author of Stephen Joseph - Theatre Pioneer and Provocateur. Recognised expert on Stephen Joseph, founder of Theatre in the Round at the Library Theatre, as well the World War I poet Wilfred Owen's extensive connections with Scarborough.
Empire Theatre of Varieties: See Olympia Picture Palace.
The Esplanade: During the early 1970s, The Esplanade was considered as a site for a potential home for theatre in the round. The intended space - later developed as Dulverton Hall by the Church of England and opened in 2002 - was seriously considered through to planning applications being submitted. The site was abandoned followed opposition by local residents as well as an implication of geological issues on the site.
The Scarborough: A - Z section of the website is created in collaboration with Alan Ayckbourn's Official Website. Original research is by Simon Murgatroyd and copyright of the author. Please credit this website if reproducing the information.